Sexual Harassment at Work. LONG POST PLEASE READ.


would it still be officially considered sexual harassment if the person who is being harassed doesn't see it that way-- when from an outside view, it looks like sexual harassment? I am asking this because my boyfriend and I who work in a restaurant together are caught up in some drama with other employees because my bf brought up a manager sexual harassing female employees or how it made him uncomfortable at a meeting with our district manager. I was not at the meeting, but my name was mentioned by another employee that they noticed that manager was touchy with me. so the district manager spoke to me during a shift I was working asking me about it and I told him how the manager has touched me while I did not want to be touched, and how I have personally seen and heard him holding onto female employees waists and saying sexual things about their boobs, blowjobs, etc.

before i mentioned this to the district manager, I had other female employees whose names were mentioned at the meeting who came up to me asking what I was going to say to the district manager, and I said "I'm just going to say what I believe, and that is that byron has been seen being touchy with selective women at work which I think is really odd." I don't think some of those women who were the ones who he was touchy with agreed with me and one of them said "it's crazy how you cant even talk to anyone anymore without someone thinking a certain way," and mind you, she is one of the employees who has a friendship with the manager being "accused" by my boyfriend (she told me how he goes over to her place and smokes and hangs out). anyway after that, my boyfriend and i have had employees turn their backs on us, I've had an employee unfriend me on fb (not like it matters), I've had managers make little comments about how my bf threw the manager under the bus, how we should've brought it up to our other managers instead of the district manager at the meeting and him and I are beyond confused because of this. the district manager was going to fire the manager, but the manager decided to put in his 2 weeks instead of fighting for his job while everyone in the workplace sees me and my bf as a bad guy. they think we intentionally tried to get him fired when it was just a topic that needed to be spoken about with someone we trusted who was the district manager. while the manager who put in his two weeks is finishing up his shifts, we still see him making suggestive comments with selective coworkers. he has whipped a coworker in the butt with a towel, he's thrown celery at a coworker's boobs, he has suggested a coworker to give a blowjob to customers under the table which is so uncomfortable and nasty to hear. a lot of coworkers who do agree but have his back have said "ive seen him do those things and say those things also, but he is a nice guy." ...I'm so lost with this. people who I work with who have been singling my boyfriend and I out don't understand. and I need outside point of views, opinions and comments please just to know we are. ot crazy.