One tired momma😩

My baby girl has started to be fussy nonstop between 8-10 sometimes 11. I always have to hold and rock her to sleep and then I put her down to bed and she wakes right back up. It’s always 8 pm right on the dot. I love my baby but I dread when night time comes😩 Friday is her 2 month check up and vaccinations so I can only imagine how much pain she’ll be in and how fussy she’ll be😢 I love cuddling her and holding her cause I know one day I won’t get to do that anymore but it is super stressful when she fusses after she’s been fed, burped, bathed, and had a diaper change and you don’t know what to do😩

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My daughter is 10 weeks old and she starts acting fussy at 9pm every night until 230am.... no matter what I do😔


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Oh girl, I dealt with that from 1 week old-9 weeksOld. I totally feel your pain. It’s is fucking exhausting. Excuse my French, but I have to get that point across. I literally was giving her a warm bath from 9pm-10pm every night because that is the only thing that soothed her and then she would shortly fall asleep after. Once I got that routine down (didn’t find it out until about 6/7 weeks old) it saved my sanity. She is now 12 weeks old and is becoming fussy again around 8pm but only because she’s tired. She just wants her pacifier and to be rocked. It’s still exhausting, but not as bad since she’s not crying. I just have to rock her for nearly an hour 😰It’s defiantly a phase and should pass soon. In the meantime try to find your sanity (like mine was the warm bath). Some babies like the vacuum sound. Sorry mama 😰😰


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It sounds like she’s going through her witching hour! I know it’s hard but it’ll end eventually. Meanwhile, try the 5Ss to try to make her as comfortable as possible! It worked for us for the most part when our son was going through his witching hour daily for a few weeks from 6-10pm everyday!!


Posted at
My girl is almost the same exact age and has been exceptionally fussy the past two days. I always brag about how she is the best baby and rarely cries and I am kicking myself now because she is exactly how you are describing except she’s acting like that for all of her naps during the day.I think both of our girls are going through their second “leap” and I keep telling myself it will be short lived. Hang in there mama!