Job interview.

So I have a job interview in a few days, it’s a group interview so it’s gonna be me and a group of people all together, the lady told us we can dress casual, like pants and a t shirt, whatever we wanted, we didn’t have to show up in nice clothes or something, her exact words, so I went and got a new comfortable outfit, some black leggings and a blue shirt that had Stitch from lilo and stitch on it, I felt it was okay 🤷🏼‍♀️ I told my friend about the outfit and she was like “people usually wear a plain t shirt or something, that’s gonna look bad” and now I’m second guessing my choices. It’s a seasonal job, and there’s gonna be a lot of teenagers from age 15 and up there, so I feel like I most likely won’t be the one who’s dressed the most casual, compared to them at least. What do you think?