Relationship aftermath


So after 2 months of no contact, he texted me and pretty much wanted to go to the movies, for the first three days I was saying no and that I was busy. Then the 5th time, I said ok, we went out, and it was ok, but he was all over me, trying to kiss me, touch me, and such, but he didnt force to do anything, he was just trying his hand, which I am not mad about, all dudes do this. But now its like what do I do, I made so much progress of being used that he will let me down again and disappoint me, what do I do if he reaches out and want to hang out again?? P.S dont worry I am staying low, so not texting him or calling, i only text back and answer the phone, i do not initiate anything.

Old post:

So after going through my last and final break-up, well him leaving me, i have decided that I dont want another man touching me.. not intimately or sexually. This situation has really opened my eyes to how I will never mean anything to anyone and that is ok. I have accepted my fate of loneliness.

I am.........

The girl who nobody ever.... chased, loved, or saved