IUI Cycle Canceled 😥

Selena • TTC W/ PCOS. 16 months and counting.. Hoping for baby #1 soon! Cycle #1 Letrozole IUI-CANCELED🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 Cycle #2 Combo Letrozole/Follistim-TWW

My Dr. has canceled my first Letrozole <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle due to not responding to meds. I was first put on 5mg for 5 days, that didn’t work, so she then put me on 7.5mg for 5 days. Went in yesterday (CD 21) and got a call in the afternoon saying there are no dominant follicles and I’ve once again, not responded to meds.. I feel defeated and been crying my eyes out. She said we’ll wait until I start my next cycle and this time we’ll be a little more aggressive by taking Letrozole and injectables. Has this happened to anyone? I know a cycle can be cancelled due to too many follicles, but what about NONE? Trying to stay positive but it is HARD!!!