My bf says he needs space

I’m going to try and not make this story too lengthy ..

So we met in December and started dating in January .. I’ve NEVER been in like a non long distance relationships .. yeah, ikr. literally all my relationships have been long distance so this was new for me.

He has family issues kind of, his mom passed away so he stayed with his siblings but his other sister treats him like SHIT. So I’m like, I see you getting aggravated so come stay with me for the weekend.. (this is like in February) weekend turned into weekendS which turned into weeks which turned into months.. so damn near we live together you could say

Things haven’t been perfect .. we argued a lot in the beginning and they were pretty bad tbh .. things are getting better.. a few arguments here and there but definitely not as bad as before. We’ve been working on ourselves and communication etc.

BUT, during our last encounter he told me he needed space . And as a person who has only dealt with long distance relationships.. nobody has ever needed space from me yanno... so like.. how do I give him space without feeling some type of way? 😭

ALSO, I am moving to a different state for school so it’s like .. I’m just trying to spend as much time with him before I leave