Sucking the poison out..


I imagine you have all heard the saying of sucking the poison out your life and you'll feel better. So I've recently cut contact with 2 friends who I thought were my rocks. Turns out they were nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing. Long story short. Telling me one thing then my babies dad another to make us hate each other. So recently my exs mum came to me and said she thinks I have the right to know what one of them had said to her the other week... That she said she had concerns about my baby...i can assure you my baby is looked after to the best of my ability and his dad's...and that she had also said that she and the other friend were done with me now I know my exes mum wasn't lying cause she was able to tell me where I was when I was last with them I never told them... So my Councillor (I have mental health issues that I get councilled for recurring anxiety and depression... And a mild case of social anxiety hence why I had the same 2 friends for 15 years) so my. Councillor told me to suck the poison out and make a start to move on with my head held high.. So I did. And I don't like confrontation id love nothing more than to phone these 2 "friends" and give them a peace of my mind.. But my body and mind just don't allow it even after 3 years of pills and councilling... I freeze crumble and end up taking the blame for things I haven't done or said. Probably why relationships have never worked.

Anyway. Now they keep phone and texting my mum pretending to be concerned asking if noahs dad has said anything to upset me and if that's why I have went so quiet. But at the same time they are phoning noahs dad asking him to go round for a cuppa and a catch up. He answered the phone to them when he was in picking up noah one day and they literally bitched for 3 minutes and then Connor said he had to go as he was busy.

When will they give in? Before anyone calls me out on this yes I know I should phone them but they know they can intimidate me I've been friends with them for 15 years and have probably spent most of them being a pon in their game. But my mind and body just won't allow me to phone them to explain my reasons for cutting them off yes I know its cruel and childish and trust me if I could I would...councillor said it would make me feel like a weight had lifted if u sucked the poison out but I feel like I have nothing. No one to talk to anymore this normal? Will it take time to feel better? I'm 28 I'm too old to be making new friends and I truly don't think I can trust anyone like that again. 😭😭