Not a clue what to do


So, I'm friends with this really cute guy who I've known for years and had feelings for for about 4years.... Last summer I told him that I liked him and he rejected me saying that he was in the same position with another girl. We stayed friends (somehow) and a few months later I learnt through my best friend that he had asked this other girl out and she had said no. We've not seen eachother much since last year but since then I've been talking to him via email a lot and recently he's started putting "X"s at the end of his emails again. He's coming over to mine in a few weeks for a trip out to birdwatching hut (we're both nature lovers).

I've just found out (through my best friend again) that he mentioned that if he was asked out now, he might be interested...

I don't know what to do as I still have feelings for him but don't want to ask him out again and seem like I can't take no as an answer...

Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this or have any ideas as to what I should do?