First time IUI with PCOS & nervous!!

Ana Cristina
I'm on my first cycle for <a href="">IUI</a>. I supposedly have PCOS even though I don't really fit the classic case through bloodwork. I have 15-20 little cysts on my ovaries & I've had an 8.7cm cystadenoma removed from one of my ovaries almost 3 years ago. I have scar tissue which has caused my left ovary to become attached to my uterus. I did 5 days of 100mg of Clomid and my body did not react. I've done 3 days of Bravelle and tonight will be my 2nd injection of Gonal (changed to Gonal because of my insurance). I'm a bit overwhelmed and even more so when I got a big box of injectables sent to my house. I can't believe how much I need to take! The Dr is considering me high risk from the get go & is worried that I may have over stimulation of my ovaries & the cysts may burst, so I am being monitored very closely. I'm really scared & worried but hopeful at the same time. I'm so worried that all this may not work or that something bad will happen. I'm trying to be positive & my husband is being really supportive & helps me with the injections every night. Has anyone been in a similar situation & gotten pregnant? I'm sorry this is so long....just scared & need someone to talk to that understands what's going on.