Stuck in a predicament

Okay I live with my mother because right now I just don’t have the funds to move out. She’s planning on leaving my step father (he treats her and everyone else in the house like garbage and after so many years of dealing with it she’s finally done.)

Okay well just so happens my mother has a long time friend (he’s a guy) and it’s completely platonic they’ve known each other for years. Known me since I was a little kid, and knows my three year old. His mother very recently died and had just bought her a car right before she passed away that he’s having to pay off and in between his house bills and the car payment he’s having a little trouble.

He doesn’t want to get rid of the car because that’s the last thing he got his mother before her passing. So he came up with the plan to let us rent his basement it’s got bedrooms, a living room, all that. Basically a little apartment. It’s just me, my mother, and my son moving there.

I’m just worried about how my sons dad would feel with us living there? I don’t think it’d matter and he knows how my stepfather is and the situation there so I think it would be understandable but I feel like because it’s a Man we’re moving at people are going to look at it as weird.🙄

I plan on only being there for a short time anyways. Just want to be able to save my money up to afford a place to live without having to worry.

The guy is giving us a month to decide whether we would want to or not. Me and my mom are both nervous because this is the first time she’s moving from her home in 13 years, and this is my first real time moving away ever (the first time I was too little to remember so I don’t count it.) Just worried something would backfire.

We’ve been trying to find places to rent and they’re either too small, shady looking, or way out of the price range. So this is perfect. It’s directly across town from my sons dad (closer than it would be where I’m at now.)

We would be in a better area school wise. And the place has cable, internet, and he’s very handy with mechanical type things so if we ever need help with any of that he can help us.

Also he knows we like our privacy so he won’t be like barging in or anything. We’re looking at it as basically apartments, he’s upstairs, we’re downstairs.

I guess I’m more worried about what my BD will say because he always has something to say about everything I do.😅

**I’ve got a feeling when I tell him about this he’s going to have a problem because it’s a guy we would be moving in with, but we’re not just moving in we’re paying rent and living downstairs. Probably won’t even be around each other much because I tend to keep to myself in my own space.