Happiest woman Alive

Comforting.... to wakeup in the middle of the night after falling asleep on the couch. My husband went up, who knows when. It's now 4:30 am. I check on my babies, a 3yr and 8m sound asleep. I stand inside my son's room, lean in and land a kiss on his little face, stroking his hair and whisper I love him so much and cover him up in a small, light quilted blanket my mom had made when he was a baby. Walked out and closed door.

Went to my baby girl's room. She's sound to sleep. Look over here and just quietly loving on her without touching (don't wanna wake). Had to fix the camera vid monitor briefly walked out.

Then head up to our bed. It's mildly hot. Lay down. My husband grabs me in his sleep and holds me for a few mins as I let him. Laying there feeling complete....

Life is good at night... No bothering. Kids are sleeping angels and the night is captivating when all is well.

Married 5 years+. 2.5kids... Hope this remains forever 😍