Why family? Why are you like this??! *rant*


So tomorrow I'm going in for a scheduled c-section and I've advised everyone I'll be letting them know when the baby arrived and when I'm ready for visitors. I had a c-section with my first and already know I'm going to be in pain, especially the first day. So I don't want alot of visitors right away. I asked my brother and his gf as nicely as I could to please not bring any kids. My niece and nephew don't behave or listen and the last thing I need is that aggravation. My brother went on to get offended and his gf was arguing about why I don't want kids there. They have 3 kids and the main grown ones are the worse behaved kids. I already know it's going to be an annoyance having them there in the hospital room. His gf literally leaves their kids with her parents for days at a time but gets offended by this one time I ask to please not take them. It's like, why do you need to argue? If someone had told me not to take my son, especially after a surgery, I wouldn't get mad. I would understand and eithier wait until that person is home to visit or go by myself. I don't get why people have to make eveything so difficult. Like please understand what I'm going to go through. I understand I'm having a baby and it's exciting but respect my wishes. I had also told my mom not to send out pictures of the baby before I did, because the last time I gave birth family were already posting pictures of the son I hadn't even met yet. Even after I talked to her about this a week ago, she was still planning on sending out the first pictures. Why?? So I had to repeat myself. It's ridiculous. Family need to learn to back the fuck off. It's not about them. Let me enjoy my new baby by myself. I've been waiting for him more than you have. Now I understand why women make rules or decide not to tell family they're in labor. It's such hassle. I completely get it. The nurse was discussing my surgery with for tomorrow even reminded me, "it's not about anyone but you. You're going to be tired and family is going to be right there ready to get there. If you need to set rules, you're not being mean, you're not being selfish. You're doing what's best for you and you're the one that matters right now." and I'm going to keep that in mind these next few days. Wish me luck.