

So I'm 16 and I work at a amusement park. A security gaurd used to come in and have small talk with me. Nothing sexual or anything just small talk. One day he texted me. He told me he got my number from my files(illegal. That's where we have out Ssn, address, are age which hes 18+ and he texted me anyway) I was freaked out so I went to HR and told them, showed the messages and everything. Nothing happened. So I went back and told them he needs to me fired and that my lawyer thinks he needs to be fired. My boss said it was not big enough of a deal to fire him and he was just trying to be friendly he ment no harm. I told him how the first year my parents were divorced that my uncle tried to rape me and my sister(cops didnt do anything but that's another story) and said," no one saw that coming. He was supposed to be harmless" He looked at me and said, "we will not be terminating his employment at this time" I have a panic attack everytime I see him to the point where I cant breathe and xant take my break. I know I could quit but that's letting him win. That's giving up on making this right and protecting the other employees from this.