In law help!

So my in-laws smoke. Luckily they don’t live close to me, but it was hard for me to even let them near the baby when they came it the hospital. They washed and sanitized their hands. But then a couple weeks after we saw them because my daughters great grandma was passing away and so we saw them there. Well we have an upcoming family dinner and I don’t know if I should go or the baby just because I don’t want everyone trying to touch her. My husband and i decided we didn’t want anyone who smokes to hold the baby. The dinner isn’t at his mom house it’s at his aunts who doesn’t smoke so that’s good. But we still don’t want people who smoke to touch her. Also the aunt holds most family events, but Christmas. Christmas is something his mom does at her house with her intermediate family. I told my husband that my daughter and I will not be going because they both smoke and the house smells like smoke and I’m not risking anything. Am I wrong??? I just don’t feel comfortable-with it. But I also don’t want to seem like I’m favoring my parents but my family doesn’t smoke and are very against as well.