I never told my sons story...

Shlanea • Grayson Lewis 👶🏼🦕, Angel Baby 👼🏻🧸, Malia Grace 🌈🎀


My son was born on May 7, 2018.. I know why tell it now? Well I’m pregnant with baby number two and I’m afraid of labor...

I had been having contractions for a solid week before my doctor decided that he would induce me at 39 weeks bc I was in so much pain and they were lasting 30 seconds every two to three mins. He even hooked me up to make sure they were real and not BH.

So I went in on May 5,2018. I had to be there at 6am. So I get up and get dressed and ready to go. We get there and start everything up and going. They gave me a pill on a string in my vagina. This was to thin me out and they started my iv. Well that pill made me hurt so bad, it felt like someone beat me with a hammer in my vagina... I could barely walk or anything. They took it out around 9pm and shut my iv off for the night. I was 85% thinned and 1cm... they gave me a sleeping pill that knocked me out.

Next day, same thing. Mind you I have only had popsicles, water, ice... well I maxed out Patocin again and that pill thinned me completely, but still 1cm....

The next day we decided to start the IV back up. But today I was allowed to walk, bounce on a ball, dance, I even laid on a beanbag(this really helped)... but nothing. I didn’t open at all!! Well my OB decided that my little man was under to much stress and booked the OR for a semi-emergency c-section. I was soooooo scared. But we went back at 5pm and my beautiful 6lb 13.6oz baby boy was born at 5:29pm, 5/7/18. Then we finally went home on 5/10/18 at 3:45pm...