Nursery Layout Suggestions!!

Calling all interior design-savvy ladies and experienced momma’s!! I would LOVE your suggestions! We just moved into our new home, and now that I’m in the 2nd trimester we are starting to plan out the nursery and furniture for budgeting and selecting registry items.

I’m a newbie at all of this, and we want to have the layout be as safe and efficient as possible (I.e. I’m not running across the room to grab things while trying to change the baby, etc).

I’ve attached a drawing of our layout as well as pictures to help (I apologize for the clutter, we are using the room for storage right now). At the minimum, we are planning to have a standard crib, standard long dresser with changing pad on top, diaper pail, and a comfy chair with ottoman. And then will fill in the rest of the space as needed with other necessities.

We don’t know if it’s best to have the crib on the wall adjoining our bedroom, bathroom, or stairs (due to noise)? The door to the laundry room is directly across the hall. Should the changing station be right next to the crib? Or by a window?
