Ex boyfriends a d*ck

I dated my ex for about three days before it became obvious that we weren't compatible. I broke up with him but we decided to stay friends. He says he still loves me and fully believes we will get back together in a few months but I want no part of a romantic relationship with him, not any more at least. Anyways, he keeps talking to me about these different girls hes talking to (yeah all at once) and he sent me a pic of one of then that was obviously a cropped nude. What the HELL. That's not even what I'm upset about, for some reason him talking to girls just pisses me off. I dont want to get back with him so it's not that in jealous, it's his attitude towards women that pisses me off. He gets with anyone that will lay him (I never did thankfully) and he even tried to get a girl to cheat on her boyfriend with him. He told me about it and we argued and then he ignored me for days. He just doesnt know how NOT to be a complete Scumbag and it pisses me off. I want to choke him sometimes 🤬 my point of all this is, is there a way for me to stop caring about what hes doing? I cant talk him out of it obviously and I've tried to not think about it but it just angers me.

Edit: also, I cant really just ghost him. We go to school together, we run with the same crowd. Kinda unavoidable 😅