Breastfreding has been so challenging


It seems like I've come across every single problem that possibly could have happened since this whole breastfeeding thing started. First baby had problems latching because of a high palette and a severe tounge tie. While this was being resolved and he was getting use to the latch with his new tounge we got thrush AND mastitis thankfully we cought that in time before the fever started. Once the thrush was resolved we realized that because of the antifungal I was using blocked up a area in my nipple and created a large multi-faceted milk blister. I could pop and express one part but there were four little pockets in the thing. We just recently expressed all of it out and now baby is showing all the signs of teething including struggling with his latch and fussing while on the latch. My nipples (which have always had trouble self lubricating and keeping from becoming dry and cracked even before my pregnancy) are now bleeding. It's only been two months of this it's absolutely rediculous 😭😭😭 I know the recommended amount of time to breast feed is one year but I don't know if I'll make it that long.