Sleep past 5 am?

Dawn • 💙4/08/2019 💗 8/30/2021

How do I get my 4 month old to sleep past 5. Most nights now he goes with no feedings sometimes he wakes at 3 to be fed. He also tends to cry out a lot at night sometimes hourly. I give paci and he’s back out. He’s in bed by 7-8 pm. He has a nighttime routine. I don’t sleep when he cries out so much. We switched him to snug and dry diapers he does not cry when he’s wet now but he does get fussy. He sleeps in a sleep sack. I try to ignore him but if I don’t put paci in most times his fussing will end in crying. And at 5 am he is wide awake and won’t go back to bed for like 2 hrs (nap)