Baby and I playing sleep routine.

Today I decided to try and get my 6 weeks old boy to sleep in his crib and see how long he can last there before he wakes up for a feed. And I did all I know how to.

I took a nice warm bath. Fed him. Swaddled him, darkened the room and put on the white noise sound. He slept. In my arms. So it was time to put him in his crib. I warm it and put him there, he immediately starts turning his head. I put in my dress so he can have my scent close by. It continues and cries a bit. I get him out before he cries so much to wake himself and feed him a bit. I decide to put a blanket under his sheet so the bed is softer. put him in and his eyes burst open. By this time we are trying this for 1 and half an hour. I put my head in his crib. I put my hand on him, I shake him a bit to sooth him, nothing seems to help. Eyes still wide open. I run to pick the pacifier which he tries to push out. Like how comes he never pushes my breast out? Anyway, i push the pacifier in and hold it there until he gives up and starts suckling on it. So his eyes start dozing. But he keeps opening them, now I think the deam light is feeding his curiosity. I cover up his view so he sees nothing but a few boring things. He closes his eyes and yet remains grumbling. Now with closed eyes, he decides to cry for stomach pain. We have been having this all week and hmm I even gave him a massage after his bath but this thing is here to stay., With nothing to distract him, he feels it more.

We are two hours down and I had a long day, it is past midnight. Been doing everything I know to do to sooth this boy for 3 hours and I need to sleep. He has slept but only in my arms and lasted 5 minutes at most in his crib sleeping, the rest was fussy time.

I feel like I should leave trying his crib for another night when am not as tired. Now surely, between me and him, who is stronger? Seems he wins the game tonight. Will I ever be able to put him in his crib? What else can I do?

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Posted at
We are going through the exact same thing, my baby will only sleep on my chest or in her swing. Today we purchased a halo bassinet to see if maybe the vibrations will help...we are pretty desperate at this point 😩 I just want her to have a safe place to sleep.


Mo • Aug 10, 2019
Maybe she is safe on your chest?


Posted at
Yeah I feel you. Last night we put a heat pack in his swaddle to warm it up before we put him in it. This seemed to work but he only slept for 2.5 hours. I’m a sucker because once we wakes us for a change or a feed I just want to go back to sleep myself so he sleeps in the bed the rest of the night. But mines only 6 weeks today so I’m not stressed yet


Posted at
Wow I could have written this myself !!