Do you get offended if someone says your child (toddler) looks weird?


I get that some people think newborns look weird, mine certainly did, especially looking back. Now my daughter is almost 2.5 years, and of course to me is the prettiest girl ever. Recently one if my best friends said to me “well, I mean she’s not ugly, it’s just that she looks weird. So tall and so skinny, and with all this crazy hair. I don’t know, I still love her, just don’t try to sign her up for a beauty contest”. I got really offended, and hurt, by her comment! Yes, my daughter is really tall and skinny, and she has crazy, beautiful, blonde curly hair that sometimes is out of control. But common, she’s a little girl. She’s smart and strong, she’s super outgoing and looooves people, and she can make your day better with just a single smile 😊 I don’t care if you think she isn’t pretty, just don’t insult my baby in my face 🤷‍♀️

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