I’m afraid of losing my best friend.


So back story on this issue is I recently (we’ve been dating for 7 months) started to date this wonderful man. He isn’t perfect but he come pretty close. Prior to dating him I lived with my two cousins in a two bedroom trailer. The rent is $975 a month, I payed $600 of it because one of my cousins (17 years old) is still in high school (I felt she shouldn’t have to worry about bills like rent until she was out of school) and the other cousin (now 20 years old as of 8/1) has a car payment, which takes a good bit of her monthly income. So because I didn’t have a car payment (I have an old beater truck that I bought for cash) I told them that I don’t mind paying more until taxes come and my cousin can payoff some of her bills so she could afford at least half of the rent. Well tax time came and went. She didn’t pay anything off. Instead she bought things for herself, like she upgraded her phone, she got a iPad, she went and got her hair, nails, and toes done up. She went to the mall because she just had to have some new clothes. The one thing responsible she did pay was the taxes on her car and some tires for it. The rest she blew on bullshit. Around that time I started to see my now boyfriend. And my cousin wasn’t happy about it. I would spend all of my off days at his house, I had also switched departments at work so I had different days off from her now. So she felt abandoned by me (she actually told me so). Like I had chose this new guy over her. Well my relationship with him keeps going, so I spend more time at his house, started just leaving clothes there instead of bringing a bag. And around April he asks me why I don’t just move in with him. It would be financially better for both of us. And I explain that I pay the majority of rent with my cousins because they can’t really afford it by themselves and I love them, I don’t want to see them homeless. He understands, he thinks I’m crazy, but he doesn’t press it. By late April early May I basically stayed at his house all the time, I would buy groceries, put a little bit of cash in his car or wallet to help, because I feel bad about not paying actual bills there. Around May, I told my cousins that when my younger cousin( 17) graduates I plan on moving out. They say they understand. Then I found out that she plans on graduating early (December), which I think is great. Well towards the end of July I found out that neither one of them have been saving any money for when I move out. They have no money put away for the younger one to get a car, they don’t have a rainy day fund in case the older ones car breaks. They have both been blowing the remainder of their paychecks. (17, works part time at a grocery store). Well I’ve been trying to save money because I need a new vehicle. I drive a 30 year old truck and it’s always breaking on me. Well last week, my truck finally broke down. I called my cousins to tell them about it, and to let them know I may not have rent because I need to fix my truck. They tell me that they don’t have extra money to help with rent, but they are on their way to get their nails done for the now 20 year olds birthday present to herself. I’m pissed. Two days later I spend $428 to fix my truck. I don’t have money for rent, and I’m stressed out. I go to the trailer to pick up the rest of my stuff so I can sort through it and see if I can sell anything. As I’m loading up the rest of my stuff to sell, they both come home with a new pet, a guinea pig, and all of the stuff one needs. I’m livid at this point. But I don’t yell or fight. I just leave. Because I am evil when I’m angry, and will destroy someone with straight facts, fuck their feelings. I just try to let it go. I only have a few more months and then I’m done with paying their rent, right? Well this week on my way to work, my truck starts to act up. I’m literally crying on my way to work because I’m stressing the fuck out over wether my truck is gonna make it. It does. I still don’t have money for rent, and I definitely don’t have money to fix my truck( again). So I work( I’m a server) I’ve saved up every dollar I made this last week, even worked a day of overtime. Trying to come up with money. My poor truck is struggling but she’s holding in there for me. By the end of my work week I have enough that I can either pay their rent, or fix my truck. I split it. I’ve put three away for rent. And I went a bought groceries with my boyfriend ( who I should point out still doesn’t complain about me not helping with his rent, even through he is also struggling because his job doesn’t want to work him full time). And the rest is put away. Last night I was stressing and thinking, and pissed. So I texted my cousin(20) and basically explained that I can’t keep paying $600 a month for a place I don’t even live at anymore. And it wasn’t me choosing my BF over them. I told her about my truck still struggling, and that I’m not able to save for a new one, and I tell her that come September I need them to start paying the $600 and I’ll pay the rest. Because something has to give. The only response I got was “Ok.” Then I wake up this morning a a giant text saying that I’m abandoning them, and I never want to hangout with them, and they can’t afford rent, and basically it’s all my fault and I’m a different person since I started dating my BF. And I’ve completely changed and that I don’t care about them anymore... and It sucks to think that they think I don’t care about them. Because I do, otherwise I would’ve left long ago. I have done the best I could with helping them, but now I need to help myself and they don’t see it that way. Which sucks because my cousin (20) has been my best friend for nearly ten years now, there was never a fight that we couldn’t get over. But this one just seems different. I know that I have changed since I started dating my Boyfriend, but I don’t view that as a bad thing. I like staying home now, with him and my dog. I don’t drink as much. I’ve almost quit smoking cigarettes. I’ve been eating healthy food, I go to the gym now. I don’t see that change as a bad thing. But my cousin does because now I don’t hangout with her, I don’t come to the parties she has because I don’t want to drink and smoke pot. I’d rather be in my pjs with my dog. We don’t have the same days off at work so we don’t really ever have time to see each other. I don’t have the extra money to go with her and get my nails done. It’s not a lack of caring about her, it’s just being an adult. But I’m the bad guy in her story now.. and my boyfriend tells me that I’m making the right choice. And it feels like the right choice because I have to take care of myself in order to help others. But I don’t know if my relationship with my cousins will survive, me choosing myself for once.

Any thoughts? Or possible remedies to this impossibly stupid fight?