Exclusively pumping


Just had a baby girl two days ago💕

I made the decision to exclusively pump and bottle feed her. When I told my nurse this, she said it will only last about two-three months and I will dry up.

I’m reading if pumping every three hours for 15-20 minutes is what is recommended. Which I can do. Will I still dry up after two-three months and end up having to switch to formula anyways?

Need some advice!

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Posted at
Not true. I did it for a full year.


Posted at
I’ve been pumping 4 times a day and get WAY MORE THEN ENOUGH MILK! We have GARBAGE BAGS FULL IN THE FREEZER. And my little is almost 5 months old:


Kendra • Aug 17, 2019
Same here. I pump 3-4 times a day!


Posted at
I pumped for almost a year too. The first 2 months was every 2 hours then 3-4 and I got the same amount the entire time. Don't go longer than 5 hours and stay as consistent with times as possible and you should be ok. I didn't power pump or do crazy things either. I took my pump everywhere and bought a car adapter for the plug. 😁


🙄 • Aug 10, 2019
I made between 24 and 30 oz a day and he was eating that until we switched to regular milk ... I never had a bunch in the freezer either.


Posted at
I’m 4 months now of pumping. Well the first 1 1/2 I breastfed and pumped, but now I’m an exclusive pumper. I have 1800+ ounces in the freezer and still making 35+ ounces a day. So that nurse can kindly tell that story to someone else. Stick to your pump schedule. Stay hydrated. Rest when you can. You got this!


Ashley • Aug 13, 2019
Thank you!


Posted at
I pump every 3 hours during the day (only 4 times a day, not at night) and for 30 minutes. I’ll hit a year of exclusive pumping on August 24th. A breastfeeding friend told me the same 🙄


Posted at
Not true at all. I've been mostly pumping since day 2 and I'm 13 weeks in with no issues. I do let baby nurse when she wants but it's only a few times a day and just comfort nursing or just snacks. My lactation consultant told me even exclusively pumping will be just fine the entire time my baby needs milk and that supply should not be an issue.


Posted at
It’s not entirely true, no. But it is very difficult to keep up with baby’s needs when you pump. You’ll need to power pump or add pumps as time goes on and baby needs to eat more. When you breastfeed, baby lets your body know to make more milk for growth spurts, etc but a pump cannot do that.


Sam • Aug 10, 2019
That’s great!! Most exclusive pumpers don’t pump every two hours. That would make a difference in supply and demand.


Jasmine • Aug 10, 2019
Didn’t have that problem either. I just pumped every 2 hours for 15 minutes.


Posted at
So not true but I will say it’s a big commitment and WAY harder than breastfeeding... I’m going on month 10 and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. First 12 weeks I pumped every 3 hours and drank almost a gallon of not more of water a day!!! Pump both breasts at the same time you can trick your body into producing more than you need. We had to buy a freezer because I was pumping almost 70oz a day!! Biggest thing is getting a schedule and sticking to it! And remember baby will still want to feed on demand so almost pump right after you feed because it can sit out 6 hours that way you always have room temp ready for baby!!! Good luck and you can do it!