Ending ep but baby still eats at night

Leanna • Girl Mom ❤️ Isabelle Jade 7-9-14 Olivia Skye 8-24-18 ❤️ wife of a drummer and engineer 🎼🥁 7 years and counting..

I wanted to exclusively pump for a year. Well on the 24th, times up and I want to be done there but my baby doesn’t sleep through the night and still wakes to eat all night! I refuse to be pumping still come September!!! I don’t know what to do with her though! We cosleep also. She has a dairy allergy so she’ll try cows milk after her birthday but most likely be on almond milk instead. She eats a 5 oz bottle at bedtime when we lay down and another 10 oz throughout the night broken up every few hours. How can I end if she’s still eating through the night? Should I try to get her back to breast instead? My main issue is tired of being tied to my pump and doing things around my pumping schedule so I wouldn’t even mind if I got her breastfeeding again as long as I can stop pumping!! Oh and also, she refuses formula. 😞