Was i wrong ?


So I went to the mall with my daughter and husband this morning and there is a kids play area and I thought that my daughter should play a little bit there . We went in and my daughter was so excited she was running around and she was just being cute . My daughter is the sweetest girl, she’s sensitive and good with pets and other people .There was a girl playing and my daughter went close to her and she asked her if she wanted to be her friend well...that girl literally pushed my daughter face and told her to go away cuz she doesn’t want to be her friend , I did not react to that but there was another face push when my daughter started to cry , I snapped and I told that girl to not touch my daughter !!! I pulled my daughter away and I told my daughter to stay away from that girl because she’s not nice . Her mom was there watching but no reaction from her at all . My husband got pissed on me and he told me that kids are kids and that I overreacted. !Btw I did not yell or touch that kid ! My daughter is almost 3 . What would you do ? I really don’t think that I overreacted 😐

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Posted at
You did not overreact!


Posted at
Honestly, same. Idc if kids are kids or whatever. But doesn't excuse putting hands on my kid. Clearly her momma isn't correcting her behavior. It's ok if she didn't want to be friends, but physical touch shouldn't be a thing.


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How old was the other kid? Honestly, if it was my daughter I would’ve done the same thing if her parents were too negligent to say something themselfs . It would be hard to sit there and watch another child hit my daughter and hit her again after making her cry. It’s not right. Even if it was the other way around, I’d yell at my child if she did something like that because it’s not acceptable regardless . It’s not like you hit her 🤷🏽‍♀️


7:85pm • Aug 10, 2019
Too damn old 🙄


Alex • Aug 10, 2019
Really broke my heart in pieces


Alex • Aug 10, 2019
She was around 4 -5 years old


Posted at
I would have said something to the child’s mother.


🍋 • Aug 10, 2019
Nah, sometimes it’s better to just walk away and take care of your own child. Those types of parents hardly care to change the behavior anyway.


Me • Aug 10, 2019
No not a coward at all!


Me • Aug 10, 2019
I know right. That’s crazy!


Posted at
Would have scolded the other kid as well and then addressed the parent too (and I would HOPE if my kid ever did that and I missed it that someone would make me aware of it so I could correct my kid!!) . In public if someone hits me in the face I’m not going to be shy about telling THAT person specifically not to do that. I don’t see how correcting a child is any different, just needs doing in an age-appropriate manner.


Posted at
I think you almost under reacted. Maybe it’s wrong of me but child or not, someone pushes my three year old in the face TWICE? Ma’am that kid would be lucky It didn’t get dragged out. Yeah okay kids will be kids, not all kids will like each other, not all kids will play well and sadly not all kids are raised right but damn if anything I’d of out loud said “who’s child is this? If we can’t resolve the fact your kids putting their hands on mine the situation will escalate, please amply discipline”


Posted at
I would have said something to the mom on top of what you did. I don’t care if it causes a scene. You don’t touch my kid that way, and neither does your child. & I’ll be damned if something is said. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Laney • Aug 10, 2019
If nothing is said **


Posted at
That's not an over reaction. You were totally justified in your reaction.


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It was completely instinctual how you reacted. I would have done the same thing... if someone touches my son i don’t care if i look psycho. Shits going down.


Posted at
No you’re her mom and your job is to protect her. You were not wrong. I’ve been in this situation several times with those play areas in the mall and even at the playground! I ALWAYS say something. I will never NOT say something if someone is physical with my son. A kid was kicking my son in the face while at the pool “swimming” (he was doing it to be mean. I watched what he was saying) and his mom was just watching. He was a few years older & my heart started pounding I got up with no hesitation, went straight to the boy IN FRONT of his mom who didn’t want to say anything and firmly said “do NOT kick my son in the face again. Do you understand me?”. Then I looked at his mom and shook my head. Children or not, they need to be taught manners and how to keep their hands to themselves. I wouldn’t let my kids do that to someone else so I expect the same in return.