Frustrated at everything, potty training, sleep training, etc


Okay feeling frustration at like everything. I’m 19 weeks pregnant with baby #2. My frustration comes from my 2 sisters and my mom making comments about everything regarding my daughters progress or lack of progress in certain areas. My 2 sisters DON’T have kids at all. Although one is currently pregnant (due 3 weeks after me) so she will eventually learn.

My daughter will be 3 in November so she’s 2 years 8.5 months right now. I have gotten crap about weaning my daughter (she fully weaned at 2.5 years by my choice, I was okay with it), they give me crap because she’s not potty trained and tell me all the time how easy it is and how she should already be potty trained, they give me a hard time that she’s not sleeping in her bed every night.

I don’t complain about anything to them so there’s no need to bring up any of these things or even give me their opinions. My husband and I are working on all of this with her. I’m tired of my sisters acting like experts on all matters babies because they have some friends who have babies/kids.

My husband has 2 older boys so he has experience as a parent. I go to him for things and he tells me what worked and didn’t work for him. My sisters get MAD at me when I say oh my hubby says this is normal or kids are all different and his boys did....(fill in whatever we’re talking about). They scold me for taking his advice and tell me he’s not an expert on anything kid related. Uh he’s only had 2 kids prior to our daughter and you have 0.

My daughter has interest in the potty from a distance but wants nothing to do with it. I’m trying to reward her with stickers when she tries the potty and it’s worked a couple times. But then she flat out refuses.

My husband potty trained his boys between 3-4 years old. I know every kid is different and even before I had kids I knew being a parent was hard and potty training wasn’t easy but I just don’t know what to do to get her interested in the potty or should I just wait?

As far as sleep training goes, most nights she sleeps half the night in her bed and half in ours which is an improvement from all night in ours. Occasionally she’ll surprise us and sleep all night in hers. I’m so tired in the middle of the night that I intend to cuddle for a couple minutes and then put her back in her bed but I fall asleep and hubby is dead asleep to the world. So it’s not a perfect system. But I’m also tired of my 2 childless sisters telling me sleep training is also easy and she should also already have this down and if I don’t have it figured out by the time the baby comes in January then I’m in trouble.

I’ve tried talking to my sisters about this but they insist their perspective is correct and I’m doing everything wrong. 😔.

Then they give me more of a concern/hard time because my daughter is stuttering the last 3 months but has very advanced language abilities. She started stuttering when I fully weaned. Hubby says it’s coincidental. I don’t know. She doesn’t always stutter except when I think she’s trying hard to get everything out.

(I weaned my daughter down to just nursing at night only at 2 years old. I was 8 weeks pregnant and my milk dried up at 2.5 years old so I stopped nursing kinda cold turkey then but it’s gone perfectly fine. I feel fortunate for the ease of this particular transition).

Sorry so long. Just feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

Anyone else experiencing similar things with their 2 year old or family members?