Could I have missed ovulation? Lines getting fainter


Hi ladies. So this past period was very odd. I got my period overnight 3 days before I was supposed to according to when I ovulated this past month (confirmed by an OPK) and also based on Glow’s prediction. What was odd about it was that it was enough blood to seep through my underwear and pajama bottoms (I can’t remember the last time that happened) but then it pretty much stopped by the end of that day. I am remnants and spotting for two days before getting what I think was my true period the day it was supposed to be due. So I have no idea whether that blood that came early was my period or not. I had a missed miscarriage from a pregnancy I had in March that ultimately required a D&E to remove the tissue (never evolved beyond a fetal sac). So now I wonder whether that early blood was another miscarriage or just something strange because my cycle hasn’t totally returned (although this is the second period after my missed miscarriage). Anyway, I decided to start testing early for ovulation just in case the early bleeding was indeed my period having come early. So I tested on day 10 based on the early bleeding date. I got a negative result, like medium pink line. The following day was lighter. And each day since has been lighter and yesterday and today the line was barely there. So could I have missed my actual ovulation? Glow keeps pushing back its prediction for when I’ll ovulate...but I’m confused by the lines getting lighter. Any thoughts?? I’m really confused. Thanks!!