HPV question

**Not sure were to put this so out it here**

I had HPV in 2008 when I was pregnant with my son, had a pap cane back abnormal tested positive for HPV. I got a colposcopy done and was tested again for HPV and it was negative. Had my normal paps and everything was fine.

In 2012 I slept with someone else and had my annual and was told I tested positive for HPV again. I asked if it was a new strain and she said they don’t know it could be a new strain or it could be the same one I tested positive for in 2008 that been woken up (her words).

Get my paps normal like I’m supposed to. 2014 I get pregnant have a pap again and everything is good no HPV.

Found a couple bumps down there doctor takes a look and says they’re nothing.

2015 have my daughter and get paragaurd have until 2017 and have to have removed.

Bumps are still there doctor doesn’t say anything so I’m assuming they’re nothing still.

Now 2019 and now I have more bumps.

Can it take 6-10 years for genital warts to show up?

Not diagnosed with them but I think that’s what they may be.

I’m obviously going to go to my doctor to be checked again but I’m just asking can it really take that long for them to show up even though I’ve had normal paps throughout the years?