BBT&Clearblue Digital&PCOS


I’m so confused.

I have PCOS and I’ve done 4 rounds of Femara with this one being unmedicated cycle but HSG cycle.

I’m relatively new to BBT too.

Past two Femara Cycle I ovulated on CD16/17 so when I Peaked on CD 12. I thought it was a fluke. So I started testing again after 48 hours. CD15, got a big temp drop and pelvic pressure to my left with eggwhite CM (my DH and I use preseed, so I thought it could’ve been that but I was having lots of pelvic pressure) on CD15&16 so I was like fine maybe I’m ovulating now even tho OPK was still blank circle.

But then temp didn’t and isn’t staying up so I starting thinking maybe I didn’t ovulate.

I was about to quit testing clearblue this morning then I get a blinking smiley...maybe my body was trying to ovulate before but didn’t? Guess we’ll BD tonight just in case.

Can I just tell y’all. PCOS. Sucks. Ugh 🤬