Mental health problems or just an asshole?

Do you think my husband is having postpartum mental health problems, a midlife crisis, or is he just an asshole?

Back story:

We were married and had just moved into our house when I got pregnant. We were trying for one and ended up with two. We were over the moon! During my pregnancy my husband was all about me! We would stay in and hang out all the time. Once the twins were born he was so fascinated with everything they did. He was motivated to jump up and get them when they cried, he was excited to change poop diapers, and he loved to watch movies at home. I struggled BAD with postpartum depression and he encouraged me to get help. He was supportive when I finally stopped trying to breastfeed (literally only would get drops) I started getting better mentally when I stopped trying to breastfeed and that's when things turned. He joined a truck group and a fishing team and every weekend it's something. He gets off on Friday and meets with his truck group and stays out drinking until 4-5AM! One night he even snuck out when I was sleeping because "(he) was bored and (I) was asleep" then when he has a fishing tournament he leaves Friday after work and doesn't return until Sunday around 10PM. He will not tend to the twins unless I ask him. If they cry he tells them "that's enough". I have to ask him to get them milk, change their diaper, feed them meals, and put them to sleep. He doesn't even pay attention to them when I'm cooking or using the bathroom.... and if they do anything wrong he yells at the top of his lungs and threatens to spank them or smack their hands. He's never come close to hurting them just threatens them all the time. I've told him he needs help but of course he twists it on me. Should I even attempt to get him help or should I run?