Teenagers watching their friend overdose and “leaving him to die”. Should the teenagers face criminal charges? (Read post first)


I’ll put it in short form for you. In my community last week a 14 year old boy overdosed. His friends and him were all at a skatepark. The friends convinced him to do the drugs, rumour is 15 caps of ecstasy. The boy began to overdose. They took the boys phone and shoes and through them in the trash well they video tapped him and recorded it. They then recorded him laying on a bench overdosing, you can hear them laughing in the background and saying “omg he’s gonna die”. They then took the videos and posted them on social media.

The boy did die. The article below discusses it.

Many people in our community are pushing to have charges laid on the teenage boys that left their friend to die. What do you think? Should the friends be charged with his death and failing to provide medical attention?

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