So over it


Hi I’m currently pregnant with baby #3 which this baby was so unplanned!! With our other two children who are ages 6 and 3 my husband has like never helped with them. He works and I stay home.... I take care of the house the kids and him. Lately I don’t really take care of the things he needs because well he only has to work while I do it all... I’m so over him coming home grumpy and putting me in a bad mood. I’m working on getting my license but it’s been a problem. I’m just so over being the only one who takes care of everything while he gets to come home sit on his ass and not help. I have explained to him how I would like help but it never happens. I wish I had family support so I could just go to work and care for our children to show him how it’s really not hard. But I don’t and daycare is not an option cause the cost.

I legit do it all and I’m so over it. I feel like a single mother of two kids and a third on the way. I give up. Sometimes I wish leaving was an option but I’d have no where to go let alone no one to help me care for my children so I could work... I’m at the point that I can’t even stand to be around him when he acts like a child... who comes home daily to be an ass... like I get we struggle in life but most people do to! Like today I called the pharmacy to see what my daughter prescription would cost and it was $395 so I told them I’ll just use the good rx cause it’s only $97. He got made at me and told me this is something I should have brought up on the first when our tenant pays her rent.. I said to him well it’s an every month thing soo I didn’t think I would have to remind you monthly. It stresses me out that we don’t qualify for government benefits and we have no insurance and it’s been like 6 months like this... life has me stressed out and so does he!!