Announcing Engagement!


Posting this just to know what's the view of other people. To give you a background, my fiance and I are Catholics and we would like to make a formal engagement, so we need to approach a priest we both know to bless us. The priest we chose is the spiritual director of an organisation which I'm in, and on Saturday we have an event of this organisation so we decided to take the opportunity to ask him for a date to settle our engagement.

The problem is that in this organisation, there's my ex boyfriend. When I told my fiance that my ex is going to be there, he just backed out and told me to go alone to this event and settle with the priest on my own, just because he doesn't want to be in the presence of my ex. I honestly feel like this is not important to him, he's putting himself first before us both. He's going to let me go alone in the presence of my ex. What if he makes a move on me? Isn't he worried?? Apart from that I want him to be with me through every step we make to organise our wedding and everything. He's the man I love and I am not getting the necessary support from his side.

I'd like your opinion on this? Should he be present with me to ask the priest to settle our engagement?