The world is coming to an end

My fiance left out for work yesterday and never came back. He left at 5am sent me and his daughters mother a text at 9:50 saying it was the last days and that 911 was coming again (he attached an artical for us to read by a "prophet"). That there would be an event in Manhattan that would kill millions and shortly after god was coming so repent and that he was leaving because god was preparing him. He told me not to be heart broken and dont worry about finances that this will all make sense and he's had a dream to confirm it. He took all of our money including the money orders we had for rent because we where withholding for unfixed maintenance issues. Claimed he put money up on a card for me i checked the balance it was 2 freaking dollars. Took the money out of our account. No family has seen him, he has had his phone off since he sent the messages and posted to Facebook to his friends and family this is the end of the world and Obama is the anti christ. I called his job to see of he showed they said they cant tell me exactly what he said but he quit and never went to his job. I filed a missing persons and have just been sick since. I have a 6month a 9 year old and 14weeks pregnant. I just feel in a daze. No he's not on drugs, he has always talked about god but never this extreme. I never saw this coming, i really trust noone at this point. I dont see how a person could do this. *thanks for letting me vent*