Secondary Infertility POST C-SECTION


Y’all. I’ve been trying for the majority of 8 years. Had a c-section after 15 hours of labor due to son’s head being sideways. I always thought my c-section was the cause of my infertility and after stumbling upon an article yesterday I’ve all but confirmed that.

Backstory - up until two years ago my periods were super regular. But would have brown spotting. Now I’m having (sometimes) VERY HEAVY mid cycle flows. Can’t freaking get pregnant. ZERO cramps - EVER!!!!

My question is, has anyone been diagnosed with a “niche” or an “isthmocele” ??? It’s where the c section scar does not form properly and you develop a small pocket or cave that retains fluid and keeps your uterus constantly inflamed 😭😭😭😭 has anyone been told they had this and still conceived???