When would/will...

Tiffany • Vegas Native ✨ | LEOW 💙 | Mom of 3 👧🏼👦🏼👧🏼| Home and Natural Birth Advocate 💕

...you start prepping for baby #3?? I’m 23 weeks (due in Early/mid December), we have a lot coming up in Oct-Nov and I know between vacation, holidays, and birthdays and everything this kid is gunna sneak up on me.

We will have a space in our room for her, rocker, a cosleeper and a pumping station in our room, and her changing area and clothes in our closet. But I’ll need to sell our desk and buy a new one, reorganize to get my husbands music stuff somewhere else. Go thru my daughters clothes and find what may work for a December baby...

I’m also nesting and really wanna go thru the garage, area under the stairs, and rework the kitchen cabinets cuz we’ve decided to stay in this house till probably next summer.

So! All that to say....I’m going crazy with restless nesting energy (always hits after 20 weeks 😂) and want to tackle stuff! When should I start? Am I crazy to get it going this early??

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