End of a friendship..

This is about a friendship and not a relationship so I apologize I just don’t know where to put this.

I’ve been best friends with my best friend since we were 9. Were 22. Now. We’ve been through a LOT together. We used to talk everyday about everything. And now, I moved an hour away and we see each other once every few weeks usually. And talk maybe 1-2 times a week, if that. I moved an hour away about a year ago and since then our friendship has slowly been going downhill. Every time I see her, she is super moody and usually is passive aggressive towards me about random small things. She sometimes insults me and makes me feel bad about myself. I’ve talked to her about this multiple times and she’s apologized for it and said she’s just joking, and it gets better, then gets worse again. And I’m tired of beating a dead horse.

I grew up with four brothers. I have thick skin. I can definitely handle jokes. But hers are the type of jokes you can tell she really means them... they’re hurtful.

Her Mom has bipolar disorder and I worry sometimes maybe she does too. Sometimes we hang out and everything is perfectly okay and she is fine. And then we hang out a few weeks later and she’s incredibly mean to me for no reason. I’m just over it.

She also doesn’t like my boyfriend. She’s never said it but makes it very obvious. And my boyfriend doesn’t like her. And all of it just makes it so much worse because I’m right in the middle.

It just stinks because she has been my closest friend and has been for so long. I really don’t even have that many friends. I feel like I need to stop hanging out with her or talking to her all together because I feel so bad about myself when I do hang out with her and she is so awful towards me. I just don’t need that. But it sucks. I feel like it’s basically a break up lol. It hurts. Does this ever get better? What do I do? ☹️