Doctor isn’t sure


So, a few of weeks ago, I failed the 1 hr and 3 hr glucose tests. The doctor prescribed me a meter and the test strips and I was to test my sugar four times a day. I was supposed to test my fasting sugar and then two hours after each meal. She also ordered some more bloodwork and had me come back the next week to go over my sugar levels. All of my numbers for that week were completely normal except for one. And my A-1 C came back at 5.6. Dr. said she has never re-done a glucose test but that we were going to monitor my levels for two more weeks and if they were still normal then she was going to schedule another glucose test and see if it was just a fluke or the sinus infection I had caused my blood sugar to be elevated. It’s been one week and I go back to the doctor next week but so far all of my numbers are less than 120. So, we don’t know what’s going on...So confusing and stressful...