Anxiety Surrounding Threesomes...

My boyfriend started bringing up threesomes in January, and this lasted a few months.

It was pretty horrible, I was being pressured to do something I was totally against every single day multiple times a day. I didn’t feel good enough, I would cry when he would bring it up and he would just keep going. He didn’t care.

Of course, this caused an enormous breakdown of our relationship. I couldn’t trust him anymore, I felt like I couldn’t provide for him. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I left.

A month later at the beginning of May we got back together after he messaged me. I can honestly say since then, everything has changed. It’s like a fairytale, honestly. I’m told everyday I’m beautiful, appreciated, we have open communication and more trust than I’ve had in the 2 and a half years of our relationship.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, so I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it...but whenever I see ANY threesomes in shows or movies I feel physically sick. My heart drops. And he can tell, I go quiet and you can see the disgust on my face.

Yesterday we were watching a show called Easy, and in one of the episodes a couple decided to introduce a girl into the bedroom. I lasted 23 of 26 minutes of the episode fine, I pushed through because I REALLY don’t want to make him feel bad. But I started crying. I said he could keep watching, but he turned it off and asked me to talk to him.

I basically said when scenes like that come on, my mind becomes so intrusive. I get all of these thoughts like “I’ll never be able to do that for him” “I know how badly he wants this” “I’ll never be good enough” and they become SO overwhelming.

Does anyone know how to help make this stop or go away? I feel so horrible for my boyfriend, because he has done EVERYTHING in his power to apologise to me and has never brought it up since. He feels horrible when I get reactions like this and rightly so