Is My Boyfriend a Scrub..?

I’ve posted about this before and someone commented that my boyfriend is a scrub...

We’ve been dating 2 and a half years. We graduated high school last November.

We both started University in January, but he dropped out 4 weeks later. I have absolutely no issue with this, University is not for everyone and I knew his strengths were not academic.

I’ve stayed with my course and I love it! Shout out to any psychologists on <a href="">Eve</a> 👌🏻

He decided he really wanted to join the army, which is EXACTLY what he needs. He’s athletic, great with his hands, loves routine, early mornings and all that alpha male shit.

He missed the July intake though. Now, the logical thing to do would be to get a job, right? The next intake is in December, so why not earn some money before then?

But no, he hasn’t done anything for the past FIVE months. No job, nothing. He has an army interview next month that he hasn’t studied for at all which is really concerning to me.

This morning, his mum woke him up and said “I got you a labouring job for you today and tomorrow, wake up and get to it” and he LOST IT. I’m talking full on yelling, throwing a hissy fit because his mum has been helpful enough to get him some money? I feel so bad for her, she’s so lovely and has been handing in his resume to places online and just wants him to do something.

There’s just been a huge change in him. He was a super competitive athlete, and wanted to go to the olympics and was training 11 times a week. Then he quit for months and is now doing his sport casually, which is fine. But he used to be so passionate about it.

Also, I’m his only friend. I know that sounds SO harsh but it’s true. Since we graduated he hasn’t seen anyone from his school unless it’s through me. He hasn’t made any effort with his school friends. He NEVER goes out. The only time he sees people is at training, and all of those guys hang out outside of their sport and he doesn’t bother. I’m the opposite, my phone is always blowing up and I go out with my friends and have a social life SEPARATE from him

I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried to gently let him know I’m with his mum on this one but he keeps saying he doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m really conflicted...