I feel like such a dick 😕

I was at the little gym for a class for the 18 month old I nanny. This other mom had a baby in her carrier. He was so cute! I asked her how old he is and she said 6 months. I was like “My baby 4 months and I feel like she is such a chunker!” (Which she is... she’s already in 9 month clothes and in the 90th percentile for her length)

The mom responded in a sad manner saying “ I know my baby is small because he doesn’t drink a lot he has a dairy allergy”

In no way did I mean to imply that he looks too skinny or small! I just was thinking how big my baby is when she said that he was 6 months!

I feel horrible 😕 I didn’t mean to make her feel bad.

Should I let it go or should I apologize at the next class?