Have a play on saturday I'm going to.

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

Very excited to be going to an evening showing of Hairspray the musical at the oregon shakespeare festival.

A lot of people just wear tshirt and jeans because it's often a tourist event but because I'm local and I've not seen a live play in forever (plus growing up my oma taught me you dressed to the nines for live plays) I'm so excited to dress up and get my hair done up.

I got my husband some new clothes too and hell be trying out suspenders. He's a little heftier of a guy and I figured suspenders will be much more comfortable and might encourage him to dress up more often!

I love vintage fashion. I've had these tickets reserved for months, and it's a great way to end a horrific 2 weeks of miscarriage now that all that is finally over.