Birth Story of KC


I was 40 wks and 2 days. I wanted to have a natural free medication birth at the hospital and after the 40 wks came over it look like it was not going to be possible. But on August 16 at 7 am I woke with regular menstrual cramps which I have been having those for a while so i did not though much of it. I went to the bathroom and I noticed a light bleeding which it got my little nervous so I call my midwife right away. They call me to the office to have a quick check out and I was 5cm dilated. We got to the hospital at 10 am and at 12 I have only dilated 1 cm but contractions were getting bit stronger. During the time of waiting I was doing everything possible to get my cervix ready for the birth, but at 3 PM I was still 6 cm not changes but contractions were getting stronger. At that point the midwife and my doula suggested to have my water broken but I was still hoping to get have the minimum intervention as possible. So I decided to wait until 5 PM to make the decision. The change of shift of midwifes happen at 430 PM and at 5 PM the new midwife sat on the toilet with my feet on a stool and pillow on my back. She said you need to have 4 contractions on that position and if does not work we break your water. Those 4 contractions were the most intense pain I had during my labor, 10 minutes later she check my cervix and I was 9.5cm and ready to push. The midwife and nurse had 10 sec to get ready and in 3 pushes my baby boy was born. I was in a disbelieve the I could have done that without medication. He was born at 531pm August 16 7lbs14oz and 20 inch long. My reason to do free medication birth was becuse our first kid was and <a href="">IVF</a> baby and we used all the medications before during and after the pregnancy. I wanted to give my body a break and believe the since he was conceived naturally after only having 20% change of a successful pregnancy. I was strong enough to bring to this word naturally.