Dating A Dad


Hey ladies!

So I’ve been seeing this guy for a little while and we have been friends since high school. Things are going really well and I see things potentially getting serious here soon. Only thing: he has a one-year-old daughter.

She’s absolutely precious and I have no issues with it! He’s a PHENOMENAL dad to her and is very protective of her! My parents rave about him and love him & his daughter already.

My biggest fear going into this is me or my family getting too attached to her & for us to break up someday. I fear him being too protective and him never letting me get to know her/help with her.

The big part is this is the first time I’m dating someone with a child. And this is his first time dating since having his daughter. As a 19 & 20 year old, any advice on how to navigate this?

Thank you in advance!