Small baby, Induction, NST testing

Has anybody had any issues with a “small” baby?

Had to have NST testing done? And had to be induced?

I’m a FTM and I’ve been diagnosed with gestational hypertension. I’ve never had high blood pressure. But a couple of appointments ago, my BP was 133/88 and they sent me to labor and delivery of course. After that I had another anatomy scan done (because I switched insurance and my new dr can’t get my records from the other clinic.) Sometimes my blood pressure is pretty high 140/90 sometimes it’s decently high 130/80 but my last NST test my 4 blood pressures were really good. And every 3 weeks I have to go for growth scans. Twice a week I have NST testing done.

So they’re watching his growth AND my BP. They ask if I have any severe headaches, cramping, etc (signs of preeclampsia) which I don’t have. Everything in my labs looks great according to multiple drs who have looked at them.

So since I have GH I’m getting induced at 37 weeks, because of his slow growth and GH. But I’m not sure how I should be interpreting all of this..

Is it a severely bad thing that my baby is smaller? Buuut everything looks great???? Idk how else to feel. I don’t wanna stress myself over it but I also don’t wanna not worry about it.