My parents are amazing but my husbands parents are the opposite

Me and my husband were struggling financially we hit one point where we couldn’t afford much food after all the bills were paid. I was talking to my mom just stressing out since we had no food and no money to spare. They are amazing they showed up at our house with a car full of groceries and gave me a gift card to our local grocery store. Why? Just cause they are my parents and didn’t want to see us struggling to eat.

My husbands mom was the complete opposite even though she knew we were struggling she would demand that my husband should be taking her out to nice restaurants because that’s what sons do for their mother. She actually had much more money then my parents because it was just her and her new husband who makes a lot of money.

While my parents had 5 kids plus 2 grandchildren in their home that they were supporting.

Now I can say we are doing so much better and not struggling financially at all anymore. I can tell my parents are proud of us and happy that we make good money now. But again his mom is bitter and feels entitled to our money. She isn’t proud if anything she is jealous and thinks our money should be spent on her to go out to fine restaurants or vacations.

We planned a trip to Disneyland for our anniversary and were so excited told my parents and they were excited for us saying to take a lot of pictures for them. Told his mom and she was pissed saying he should be bringing her and how fucked up we are to not include and pay for her. She was literally pissed actually yelling even drove over to our house to yell and make us feel like shit the day before our trip.

How could she feel so entitled but yet not once does her company bring us any joy. 🙄🤨