

My girlfriend cheated on me. We've been together a year and we started going through a rocky place recently when I got a second job. She felt alone. I felt alone. But I tried to see her when I could and talk as much as possible. We were saving for a house. (I asked her of she would be ok with me gettig a second job. She said yes.) But then it got bad. I just found out for the last month she has been talking to 2 other girls. I confronted them both one blocked her immediately the other actually talked to me. And sent me screen shots of everything. She was telling both of these girls she loved them. I confronted her with one of the girls on the phone and asked if she loved her she said no. And the other girl was pissed at her... she told me (with her on the phone) that she loved me and only wanted me because we were also supposed to get married, and she said she just felt alone. I tried my best to see her. She ditched me to hang out with this other girl a few times within the last few weeks but still said I didnt make time for her when I did. She (girlfriend) admitted to being I the wrong and she should never have done it. I asked her why she said because she is a shitty person and I agreed . But she never was before and I made sure she knew that. I dont know what I did so wrong for this and I dont know how to go about it. She admits she acted childish and she honestly doesnt want any other person . She just missed having a connection and though she said she loved these girls, she didnt. She didnt know one of them very well. The other was from a long time ago. Honestly dont know what to do or how to move o if I even want to. I'm in love with this girl we both have rings and we both want a future together. I just need some help.

Have you ever been with someone who cheated on you and you stayed? Did they change after they saw how much you were hurting? Can someone who cheats change?

She gave me all of her passwords to everything and she gave me full access to everything and she said she was going to make this right and earn my trust back no matter how long it took. Even said she wasnt going to talk to any other person (excluding family ) ... I dont want to take away her life . I just want her to be loyal...