Feeling ugly

My husband and I haven't had sex yet this year. Due to the end of my pregnancy becoming high risk and then us waiting until getting the "OK" from my OB. We got that ok months ago.

I've noticed little things I used to do to get everything started does not work at all anymore. He used to be able to just look at me and be ready to pounce. Not anymore. Sure he gives me complements, hugs and kisses still.. I just am wanting a bit of the spark back as well. Heck he even tried a couple weeks ago to get something going and just couldn't get aroused.

He's been working out and is happy he's in the best shape he's ever been in his life (has always been overweight) I'm so happy for him! While I'm now the opposite, I'm the heaviest I ever been in my life (always been smaller)

I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror anymore, I've gotten so gross. I got this medical condition after my cesarean that makes my stomach still look "pregnant" and requires surgery to correct. Just in time for my insurance to not work at any of the hospitals nearby. While my stomach is poking out I also have a big mom pouch. Lovely combo. My stretch marks have multiplied and darkened. I'm losing hair quicker than the dog sheds. Heck I wouldn't want me either.

I've talked to him several times, and here I am crying silently as our baby naps on me.