Bleeding after cervical check 38 weeks 5 days

How much bleeding is normal after getting your cervix checked . The 2 other times I’ve been checked I had slight spotting a few hours later that was just a little when I wiped . I just got checked around 5ish and I noticed when I was leaving to put my clothes back on and get out of the hospital gown that there was blood on the bed like quite a bit and when I went to the bathroom there was more . My fiancé and I ended up just leaving without saying anything and I feel like I should’ve mentioned it . I have a maxi pad on now , but I havnt stopped bleeding yet and I’m not sure what’s normal and what’s not

(Pic from when I went to the bathroom the second time) sorry itsgross . I didn’t take a pic of the pad bcs I put it on after this restroom trip there was more blood than this like on the hospital bed and when I went to the restroom the first 2 times before putting a pad on . I just didn’t take photos