Ex boyfriend horror

Ok so July 10th I broke up with my boyfriend because he had gotten arrested... yes I know it’s not a big deal and “if you really love someone you never leave no matter what happens” but I am a sophomore in high school I don’t need to be in a relationship with a person who is a bad influence... yes he is in other ways but still. I broke up with him at a bad time in his life but I couldn’t handle worrying about him and worrying about what my parents thought of me for what happened... yes ofc I did really love him and maybe I still do a little but he is such a jerk now to me and I don’t understand why... I was talking to one of my guy friends yesterday and my ex saw us talking. Then I turned around and my ex tells my guy friend “oh she’s Asian and has STDs” like who does that!? It’s so immature and rude. I didn’t even have sex with him. And now I’m worried that he is going to spread rumors about me because he said that. He also blocked me on social media for no reason. I now feel like it was a very smart decision to break up with him and I do feel bad but he is being an ass so really f him.